Sunday, December 18, 2005

I need to get this out now so as not to be so negative tomorrow at the Goddess Holiday Dinner.

NCS Pearson has a bad habit of not paying their employees whom they require overtime hours and have stricter rules than a crazy West Virginia snake church. I keep thinking that this illegal. Other companies have been reprimanded for this behavior. I know of one particular lady who has not been paid for 1 month of working there, and one mother who has been given an eviction notice. I kid not. This shit pisses me off. It pissed me off before and now it pisses me off even more.

I wasn't paid last week. I have disconecction notices, half of rent to pay, and Christmas is coming this Sunday. I had not gone shopping. Luckily last night my mother loaned me the money to get the PinkZilla presents. As much as she can get under my skin, I am so thankful that she is there to help me!

On to my next big saga that I've added to a list of sagas that have acculmulated over these past few years. I call this my Neverending Story, complete with utter nonesense and dire circumstances just before little rays of light.

I got a call late Friday night from Assooze. After what seemed to be a rather long illogical conversation, I realized that I was the incoherent one. What I thought was a silly plea for attentio after a bad fight turned out much different. He got ran over by a car while crossing 23rd St at Mass St. He does not remember anything except EMT's working on him. From what he gathered the driver jackrabbit-started before the light changed and got him pretty good. He's gonna find out what really happened tomorrow at a doc visit.

I know some are going think, "hey, that would've solved a problem", but my oldest two brothers had to be told at a young age that their mom died. My brothers did not fare well at all. She died on Christmas. I DON'T want that for my PinkZilla. I don't think that scenario would play out in my kids' lives, but I do have a reasonable fear that someday it will have to be discussed.

That being said...I am glad that all he got was a glued up forehead, scrapes and bruises covering his body, and an achy sternum.

Wow. 2005. How many more days left?


Megan Stuke said...

Have they paid you yet? WTF? Call Douglas County Legal Aid. Really.

Megan Stuke said...

Have they paid you yet? WTF? Call Douglas County Legal Aid. Really.

el.dude said...

Dang girl. I'll buy your beers tonight.

gb said...

me too! and anything else you need! please don't hesitate to ask.

This is the hard part. I'm right there with you on the late bills, etc. We WILL eventually be able to take a breath. And boy, won't that be fabulous?!?!

love, xoxoxoxo

Mazzy said...

Where did you go???

gb said...

yes, where are you creature-feature-lady? give us some more, please.....