Friday, November 25, 2005

I must have a Devilment Vein somewhere! I know you all hate things that creep and crawl and scurry, but I've got a place you should check out. Sorry I can't show any pictures because I still don't understand this damn MAC!

Anyways, I love Fiber Arts magazine. I usually see something in it that makes me smile instead of groan about pretentious arteest assholes who think they're pushing an envelope or are just being "ironic". Did I say that?! Oops.

I checked what I believe is the current issue, and my jaw dropped. Here t'is:

I love all sorts of patterns. Loud, big, subtle, flowing, jarring, soft, femminine, masculine, name it.

This is where it gets fun...It's bugs. bugsbugsbugs. Enormous patterns of gorgeous, brightly colored, impecably kept specimens delicately laid out as rugs or pinned on walls like bug wallpaper. Made me miss my dazed days of highschool and early college.

I also had the strong urge to take a high tea. This is not a drug reference, but literally "tea" complete with silver utensiles and little sandwiches that don't deserve to be called a sandwiches since they're the size of my thumb.

Which brings me to "Johnny". I have this delightful friend who makes short films in claymation. He'd love this. He has a penchant for yucky things. slimy things. creepy things. He looks normal. VERY normal. Watch out for those! A few years ago he wanted me and my partner at the time to dine elegantly while hundreds of cockroaches scurried across our plates. I didn't take him up on the offer, but the idea was interesting and this exhibition makes me want to try it out just for laughs and a few retches from others. I'll think on that idea lttle more. mmmm...ok, no, I don't think I will.

This is what I WAS thinking: You folk with unwelcomed extra roommates might think this would be an interesting and beautiful way to display any "trophies" that you acquire.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Hmmm. Vaccines are invented to rid society of communicable diseases. Right? Well that's what I thought, so for the last week I've been pondering about the Minizilla's fever, cough, achiness, etc... So after only one day on the new job and now two days at home with a sick zilla and bored 4 year old (thanks to babydaddy showing up late and three sheets to the wind from night before),I have found out that Minizilla has CHICKEN POX! Hunh?!

Do you recall the commercial of the kids giving funny answers to questions about diseases that we unfortunate adults had to suffer through in childhood? I do. I want to smack that PR man at Merck. Damn! Where's Amy Goodman and Jerry Brown when you need a consumer advocate and media outlet to inform the world of this travesty and sham!

I have had a grump-a-thon this morning that would make the Grinch proud. Grrr, I still say, but after a conversation that the entire nieghborhood woke up to and some serious theraputic cleaning, I can now calmly talk to the passed out Assooze in my son's room without wanting to kill him (ASS not MZ). Well, sort of. GRRR.

I am positive though and I do have things that make me thankful, grateful, whatever. I am glad that MZ got sick during a time when he'll only miss 2 days. I'm glad to have found a great Persian restuarant last weekend that you all have got to try! I'm glad Pinkie ain't sick. (cross my fingers) I'm glad to know you ladies and gents! I'm glad for the time to devote to my creative side. I'll be glad not to be let go from this newly acquired job. I'm glad to have a caring mutt to cuddle up with. We both need heat rocks in cold weather. I think I'll ask for one for Christmas.

So if Goddess Pheonix (Mazzy? I like Pheonix, great alegory!) reads this...sorry to have missed your birthday, and sorry GDs for missing "Thank you" dinner at FS last night. I was a little busy. Happy Women-Do-The-Work-Only-To-Thank-A-Man-God-Who-Had-Nothing-To-Do-With-It Day!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

It's been a it's time to brag about the Pinkie...We had parent/teacher conferences at her PRESCHOOL last week. Why four year olds need those is beyond me. I have problems with religion and uptights as you all know, and this place is (ack) religious and (ick) uptight. There's only the facade of laid backness, but really they're anal diamond producers.

So, why I am proud of my little Pinkie? Good question, I guess. I think it's rather obvious though...they described her as friendly, but in a couple different places they described her as being direct, unique, and (my favorite) rude. Twice rude was used. I laughed at that much to the teachers' consternation. She "had trouble transitioning from an outside voice to an inside voice". I laughed at this too. Redirection was used a lot! They very politely described instances where it seemed like she gave up working a partner and walked away. I know this routine. She was either throwing a bitch fit or the other kid was just not stimulating enough. I laughed here as well.

I think they were being "kind". What they said could've been seen as left handed compliments, but I took them all as wonderful things! It's the same as when a girl in the nieghborhood told my son that we were "weird". I heard her and thanked her. She looked confused and sheepish. The teachers had the same look as that little girl.

Pinkie's Momma and her Assooze always have been individualists. So it makes sense that she's friendly, but still ends up doing it her own way. That's my Pinkie. She runs with scissors, pokes at cacti, and does flips on her bike! Aye!

My Girl is direct, opinionated, independant, expressive, assertive, noisy, determined, stubborn, and straight forward. Damn! What great traits to have in your 4 year old girl!

What'll I think when she hits adolescence? I'll be PROUD and maybe a little concerned with crazy behavior. But that's as long as she doesn't let anyone get the best of her!

You go, Pink!

Friday, November 11, 2005

I don't thank vets for my freedom. I thank Activists. Feminists in particular. Whatever, I'm a Woman! I know it sounds like I'm ungrateful, but in the last 50 years where's the IMMEDIATE threat? Yes, we had a cold war. Scary commies were the immediate threat. We were their IMMEDIATE threat. I heard a greatline in a R&B song..."I'll fight your war when I finish fighting mine". Women and other minorities still have got a lot of work to do. Within their prospective groups and outside them.

I don't think that conservatives are thinking logically, practically, or in long terms about problems. Most of what I hear from them is pure emotional reaction to uncomfortable ideas and attitudes. Gay marriage bans, abortion restrictions, religious encroachment in public schools and science standards, ridiculous conservative based punishments on personal matters(extra taxes or bans on stores that sell sex products and the sex entertainment industry), and willful blindness and disregard to problems in rural and urban areas all the while blaming the victim (sorry,...person).

I do care about vets by the way. I find it distasteful yet understandable that 25% of the homeless population are vets. Hmmm...what does that mean when you take into account the working poor and those about to become homeless that served US by placing their safety and lives on the backburner? Their reentry in civillian life, addictions, physical and mental problems SHOULD be handled in a more appropiate manner.

I do not think their's are the only shameful problems we have spotting up our pristine US. I do not think that they are the only ones that served US either. I'm raising the next generation. Guess what! I'm serving the US. The trashmen are serving the US! Damn it! FS brewers are serving the US! We all are! In someway or other we are all doing that.

So who is the most deserving of my respect and reverence? I have decided upon those people who ardently fought for social change and equality of my fellow sentient beings and faithfully lived those ideals thoughout their lifetimes. Goddess bless them all!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

My family is in love with things that make most people squeamish. The Pinkzilla's interest in snakes and bats at the moment are no exception. So, to make up for the crabiness in the last few entries, I will now give you a poem that my Minizilla wrote:

Corn Snakes
Allmost all snakes
are venemes
but corn snakes
are not. I
never fond
them in
but there
in Kansas
cool. there
not venemes.

I could not damage the integrity of the poem by editing it, so enjoy it in all its creative glory.

All things related to bats are currently in picture form. I have no dig camera or scanner, so they won't be here, but the items will show up at some point.

Goddess bless you all! (I just sneezed)

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Pay your fucking child support if you owe it! Fucking Deadbeat dads! Happy 29th month of no child support! It hurts them not just the Ex!

It ironically is my wedding aniversary to that crackhead asshole. Thankfully yes we are divorced, but when I get calls from collectors for medical bills piled up by the kids and can't afford to pay any of the other bills, I want to disembowel that fucker in the middle of downtown on bright sunny afternoon.

Sorry the anger wouldn't be quite so extreme if I hadn't just tried looking on the internet for legal advice that goes beyond prison/jail time for that assooze. It was all pro-man, anti-momma legal advice on how whittle the payments wasn't all bad honestly, but most advice was "to stay the course" and how bad it is to be a single family household.

Your children WILL start sex early or become drug addicts. I don't have to worry about that. I became sexually active at 15 even though my folks were strict disciplinarians who never divorced, and his side are all addicts of something to some degree or other. My kids are undoubtedly screwed.

I don't think Focus on the Family and the rest of that conservative tripe has anything that I would value. I don't follow recipes very well. I tried to follow their recipe for life, but that ended dismally and dangerously. My hodgepodge way of throwing it all in experimentally is much more interesting and fulfilling. Especially when it it's about OUR happiness, mine and kiddos.

On another note my Halloween was not quite as scary as I thought it would be. Assooze didn't show up. I wasn't really surprised, but it's strange to hear your son say to his friend on the phone that he doesn't have a dad. Creepy really.

On the happiest note..My Minizilla was in the KC Star last week. I'm soooo proud! He looked distorted and silly just like he always does!