Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I had a great time on Friday with the rest of the Goddesses. Anyone reading these blogs has had to figure out by now that it was a memorable evening had by all. Including myself. I had the pleasure of dancing with a lovely 23 year old boy, kiss him a few times, and not care if he'd ever call me back. You know...that's out of the ordinary for me. I have too much on my plate to fuck around with youngsters and their beautiful bodies and delightful mouths. ahhhh..life.....

Last night I did something I've never done before. I played DDR. That's Dance Dance Revolution for you oldsters. After realizing that I cannot dance even after the craziness on Friday, I checked out a fat kid play the game on YouTube. The kid was a great dancer though enormous and I laughed at something as sad as the boy falling off the pad in exhaustion. Don't tell anyone that I'm human.

I love getting in shape and being physical and I giggled at his fall, but I have to admit that hugely obese kid could kick my ass out there on the dance floor.

This skinny chick can eat her heart out.


Rosie said...

My youth group kids make me do DDR at the Jaybowl - and they laugh hysterically at my obvious lack of stomping prowess. It's great exercise - and doesn't most exercise make us look silly?

el.dude said...

I loved our dance on Friday night, and our peck. Thank you for indulging my own favorite joke of the night! I told you it was a gay bar!

Enarda said...

It smelled gay.