Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I'm 2 years old

Seriously. My two year anniversary happened yesterday. I almost forgot it until while sitting in the doctor's office and he tells me my mammogram came out clear. I happened to see the fiberous tissue comment, but oh well if it comes back again, I'll just rock a bald head like there's no tomorrow.

One encouraging thing: At the doctor's office I met a daughter/mom team both of whom are surviving cancer. The mom is 93, and I have to tell you she was a beautiful, mindfully intact 93 YO. Both of them battled different forms of cancer over the years but they were both still here and kicking.

As you can tell I'm not feeling fear. I'm cautious but not fearful. This is a far cry from what I felt a months ago. It could be the crocus blooming and daffodils and tulips coming up, but I don't know. Hell, it could be the birds singing every morning.

Whatever the reason, I'm grateful for these past 2 years.


Megan Stuke said...


I have tons of fibrous tissue. They say it's nothing to worry about.

Redhead Fae said...

And you know what? I'm grateful for your two years, too, cos I got to know an awesome woman. ;)