Thursday, November 16, 2006

Ultra Fancy Body Bubbles

Today I had 2 doctor appointments. I really don't want to see Olathe Med center for awhile. The next time is in 2 weeks. I should be paying rent there. However, there's good news on the boob front. I'm the "January Girl" for this ultra new, ultra fancy tit insert that doctors are for some reason only allowed to give out in small quantities each month.

What makes it fancy is that the custom fit is better than with the regular cc mode (more shapes for each size), there's less of a chance for rippling, and the silicone gel adheres to itself so if any problem arises the goo will stay put clinging to itself inside the tissue envelope that forms around the implant.

January seems like a long time away, but Ha ha! I'm on the December waiting list. So if another doctor in the KC area doesn't need the implant then the person next on the waiting list gets. Unfortunately, there are so many recons going on that it seems unlikely that I'd get it. Hmmm....that many? What the F is going on?

The next thing is about the small bubble residing on my neck. But that's just it. It's just a bubble. Small and annoying but the doctors feel it's benign. After this past summer I don't think it could be C. I had a very very hard time typing that sentence. I don't want to jinx myself.

So happier subjects! Bigger Boob Bubbles, one small thyroid bubble, and one small cold to blow small snot bubbles! I'm estatic!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm really curious to see how these implants look! Not literally, but intrigued none the less.