Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Collective Sigh Heard Around Town

I know I'll hear it. Tomorrow starting at 7:00 am, it'll start. The collective parental sigh of relief. Summer is over.

I love summer. I love eating, drinking, and living outdoors. I love seeing near naked people running. I love cicadas humming in the trees outside my house. I love fresh vegetables out of the garden.

What I don't love and will never love is having 2 bored children living under the same roof as me while the temperature outside remains 100 at 9 pm. Living with another adult who gets bored easily and behaves like a child is bad enough. BUT 2 whiny, overheated, lazy children drive me crazy. It's after 10 pm, and I'm still fighting with them on bedtime, but it's hotter than hell in here, so I understand. AC better not be on the fritz.

I love the children, mind you. The beginning of summer, springtime, fall, and the beginning of winter are awesome to have them around, but when the weather gets extreme they become devil spawn. Whiny devil spawn. The worst kind because not only are they pestering each other but then they whine at me after the inevitable hit/kick/scream outcome.

I don't do whinese. I refuse to learn it. My favorite reaction is asking the whiner what he/she did to deserve the said hit/kick/scream outcome. I always find out that the whiner started the pestering that escalated into such a volatile state.

Bill O'Reilly doesn't consider bomb explosions in Iraq to be newsworthy, but maybe he'll consider the explosive temperaments of PinkZilla to be. He's another topic of heated disgust, but I don't want to talk about serious matters on such a hot night. That will just make me grumpy instead of annoyed, but right now I feel like we hit the lower levels of hell.

Damn, I bet the AC went out. I need a popsicle.

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