Friday, October 14, 2005

Love, honor, and cherish.

Lu, this is in reference to your last blog.

My ex's favorite joke to recite to me was:

Nothing says love like a restraining order.

It wasn't until recently that I was endowed with a reply. Interestingly enough it was from a man. Here it goes:

Nothing says love like a few attempted murders.

No matter how inept the attempts may have been they were there, and they're still affecting my behavior.

Sorry for the macabre, Ladies.


gb said...

No problem. I was talking with a friend at work about a case where his client had tried to run over her boyfriend. This is appropos of the attempted murder joke. Only it wasn't so much a joke in this case. The unusual thing about it was that the judge gave our client probation -- even though she should have been put in prison -- because (although not in so many words) the guy was a hopeless philanderer, who kept flaunting his other girlfriend's in our client's face. In other words, he had it coming.

Megan Stuke said...

"Those black eyed peas tasted alright to me." hmmm....

"Well, the weeks went by and spring turned to summer and summer faded into the fall
And it turns out he was a missin person who nobody missed at all."

-The Dixie Chicks

I'm just sayin'.

Mike said...

Firstly, I'd appreciate you refraining from callin' me a lady, and secondly, although no one's ever directly tried to kill me, I really hear ya on the ol' restraining order deal.

Nothing better than being too fucking stubborn to succomb, right?

Enarda said...

There's always a bit of truth in joke telling. However, I never tried extreme retaliation nor a restraining order. In my experience vicariously through other women close to my sphere, they don't work. Sometimes you get turkey shot in the face.

Mike, sorry for calling you a lady. I'll knock off the "Lady" biz.

Mike said...

I've never filed one against anyone before, because I usually believed that every incedent was the last one... over and over again. They tend not to listen to things that happened months prior, when you finally decide you've had enough and want to file. I've had someone lie about having filed one against me. Either way, to come out stronger for it once all the dust settles, albeit perhaps not unscarred, is where I've gained my satisfaction.

I'm not sure I grasp the turkey shot analogy, but I think I do.