Friday, April 28, 2006

Ok. I have a lucky fish, and I've been told that I'm "lucky". My chances getting of this shit is 0.03%. My chances of getting sick to point that I did yesterday is 0.02%. Fuck! Why, with my great odds, can't I just win the lottery or something?

Side note: the shot I got today and will receive 7 more times costs $8000 a pop, stick, and slight pain.

Another note: How can illegal immigrants be bleeding ME dry when it takes $30 bucks till fill my gastank while Exxon and Chevron have BOTH experienced record level profits? Fucking fuckers.

At least I can get my fastfood and my plants cheap! Vive Mexicanos! Where's Che when you want him? Hmm...That's right he's under a landing strip.


Megan Stuke said...

Each shot is 8 grand? Fuck me is right.

gb said...

Hey lady -- hope you are doing better today. Missed you Saturday night -- but felt you there in spirit!
