Friday, July 28, 2006

As I get further away from the AC treatments, there are small signs of healing that seem almost insignificant to others but raise my hopes and outlook on life. I had one of those small signs last night in the form of a very rich and delicious Triple Chocolate Cake.

My brother and his pregger wife were in town, and we were celebrating her birthday at a high priced Chucky Cheese's out at the Legends. I ate and ate and ate and still decided to eat dessert. I figure I deserve it. I wanted it, damn it. I haven't had sex since last December, and I wanted at least the endorphins the chocolate provide.

I could taste that slice of cake. It's been months since I've been able to taste sweet things. There was no metal taste. There was no "nothing" taste. It was heaven. I public. My brother tried to comfort me. The people sitting at the table to my right stared me. My mother exclaimed this to be my "worst year".

Those who know me, know that Me crying near anyone would have to mean something serious was effecting me. I had no clue that I would react that way, but I'm learning a lot about myself. (Like how to love 5 year old Me and late 20's Me) I have a lot more to learn about myself, and thankfully I'll have the rest of my life to learn it all. But right now I'm going to go eat a cookie.


Megan Stuke said...

mmmm...cake. Congratulations. Saying you have good taste just took on a whole new meaning.

Life's good, baby.

el.dude said...

Cry, laugh, eat. You deserve the sweetness that is awaiting you.

gb said...

How wonderful! Although not nearly on the same scale as what you've been dealing with, I can nevertheless relate to the joy of being able to taste something wonderful after being deprived of it for so long. There was no real Mexican food in Ireland -- or pizza, or anything that tasted like anything for that matter. It was all bland, bland, bland. I gained 10 pounds during the first month and a half I was back in the country because I couldn't get enough of all the things I'd missed: twinkies, 3 musketeer bars, hashbrowns, Mexican food, pizza, sushi... Of course, it was still another 11 months before I realized that I even still had a taste for sex! ;)
