Sunday, July 23, 2006

There is something oddly beautiful and yet slightly disturbing about Johnny Depp on a cereal box. I usually require breakfast to be somewhat healthy for the kids, but I had to buy this. You know it's for me.

Now if only they would make Jet Li or Bruce Lee into a cereal phenomenom I'd be happy.


gb said...

Ha! I saw a little girl in my son's preschool class playing with a Johnny Depp action figure last week and wanted to grab it and run! It was very weird....

Enarda said...

You know a Johnny Depp dildo would be a great toy to have!

Megan Stuke said...

I want to see it. Where did you get it. I need it for my Johnny Depp shrine.

Enarda said...

dildo or cereal box? Cereal box is mine, but I got it at Dillons out here injoco hell. If you want I'll get you a box. The dildo is just a beautiful dream.