Monday, July 24, 2006

I have 3 more weeks till my last treatment! 1 till my next, but who cares? I can see the light at the end of this horrible tunnel! Add this one to my list of ten (now 11) things that make me smile.


el.dude said...

Should we start planning the celebration now?

You've been so strong through all of this. You are an inspiration!

Rikki said...

When you're ready (and if you wanna), The Rumblejetts offered to play a show for you to raise some $$ so you can move back into your own pad. We can do it at the Jazzhaus and it will be a big fat goddess-infested party. And we'll have snacks. And get liquored up. That's if you wanna, of course. I heart you.

Megan Stuke said...


I can play the entertainer, and fur elise, on the piano. Think that would bring in some more bucks?

Rock on.

Another thing for your list: that great dress you wore Saturday night.

Enarda said...

Rikki- Ok. I'm all about your man's band playing. They were fun! And I got see them on the day you got hitched! I just want to say that the whole thang was perfect.

Gypsy- I want you to do it Cabaret style. Leather get up with black bowler hat and boas. lots of colorful boas.

Lu- It'd be best in a few weeks. I think I'll have only one eyebrow, but I can say, "it's just my style, baby. Just my style."