Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I've been bald for about two months. Luckily, I've kept my eyebrows and lashes. I've noticed that those are starting to leave me now. I noticed that yesterday. yay.

I've been having vivid dreams since I don't sleep very well, but I never noticed my hair in those dreams. Now I've noticed that all of the dreams that I remember from last night were about my hair and different styles I could get with my hair.

I miss my hair. I didn't have exceptionally beautiful hair, but I liked it. I can't help but to wonder what started me to think about it. Could it be my bald cousin (male) who came over for a cookout and insisted that I spend the afternoon bald with him? My fear of taunts from the neighborhood teenagers that passed me by while I biked around the block that morning? (I biked! No, they didn't taunt. They just looked quizzical.) Could it be because I watched "Pretty in Pink"? (It had many interesting hairstyles from the early to mid 80's.) I think it was a combination of those three things.

Wow. The things aerosol spray could do! The things Bertha can do! I want an appointment for a color and a cut! Yarrgh! All this bemoaning the loss of hair, but I still don't want to put a wig on yet! Go figure.


Rikki said...

I won't try to comfort you about losing your hair except to say that you rock it without a wig, and wigs seem like they would be itchy to me.

I wonder if it will feel/look different when it grows back? My father was in a horrible car accident in high school and ended up in a body cast. He swears it's what made his hair kinky-curly and that it was straight before then.

Enarda said...

Sorry to hear about your pop. I hear casts in general are itchy. I've been lucky enough to have not had to deal with them.

I hear that my hair will come back kinky-curly and a diff color, too. I'm just impatient to get the phase started. You can't do much with this "do".

Megan Stuke said...

Xan's hair came back darker and curly. I would be thrilled if my hair would come back with some curl.

I miss you. I haven't seen you in far too long. Will you be out on Monday? What about Kallipallooza?

Can I come visit you at your parents' house and taunt THEM with my atheism and foul mouth?

el.dude said...

Can we have a date at the Legends? I think it is just 15 minutes for each of us.

Thank you for coming by on moving day! It was great to see you. Simon wants a mowhawk - or maybe a head shave based on your inspiration!

Enarda said...

I want you all out! These folk are so concerned about religon and "proper" behavior. Their used to my foul mouth. They'd just think "of course, her friends would be just as crass".

So a bunch of drunk hussies (sassy independent unmarried kickass women) out for a visit on the weekend would be an absolute treat for me!

I can hear the "tongues" pleading with god now!