Friday, May 12, 2006

This time around it's not so bad. My DOCTOR said if this round doesn't go right then he's going to scrap the whole thing. That's even scarier. That being said. I've only had to take nausea meds once today. It's been almost 12 hours. Phew! I think the doc and (s)mother are right. It's stress causing all of this extra sickness. So, I handed the birds to my neighbors, and a lovely lady took the smaller chihuahua in for a few months. I can't get rid of my walking sausage. I need her. Now all I have left are the fish, one dog, 2 kids, a garden, and an assooze (his days are days numbered). I can do this. I just need patience. Maybe some wine (not from Pinkie...from grapes).

The last time I wrote a comment I had to type "waxseu" so the comment would get logged. I think the fellas working this site are funny.

For the first time in a very long time I have no PinkZilla for a Friday or any night for that matter. I'm almost beside myself.

Happy Mother's Day, Momma Goddesses!


gb said...

Happy Mother's Day beautiful lady!! I miss you like crazy -- my schedule is just a disaster these days. Please don't hesitate to let me know if you need ANYTHING, though.

Megan Stuke said...

Happy belated mother's day, Goddess Enarda. Do you want me to come get you for church tonight? You can ride in my very dirty Honda, like a princess.