Monday, April 30, 2007

Happy Birthday Old Man River!

Over time different cultures have come up with agreed upon points of reference in which to measure time. Most notably (for us anyway) the Western Culture with its year 2007 AD. My Zilla has always (for his 9 years of life) marched to his own drumbeat. Personally, I think it's more of a shuffle, and I don't think it's quite a drum. It's probably more like a triangle that's hits off tune and at odd times. He is my son after all.

He has come up with his point of reference in which to distinguish importance and chronological order in the universe. We, that is to say my house, are currently living in the year 53 AG. Screw that whole anno domini thing. What the F is that anyway? This is by far much more important. Seriously.

What we base timelines on in my house is...Godzilla. Everytime I say that word aloud or in my head I hear that screechy roar that resembles many, many large fingernails scraping across the wolrd's largest chalkboard while being amplified at Spinal Tap's infamous 11 setting. I just know I'm going deaf.

So poor Granpa aka Old Man River has a birthday tomorrow. And what heartfelt expression does he get from his loving, respectful grandson?

"Oh my god! You're older than Godzilla!"

But what does he expect? He was born in 13 BG.


Mazzy said...

Too funny! I was born in 22 AG.

I have that disc for you. Give me a call so we can meet up.

Enarda said...

You rock!