Sunday, November 06, 2005

My family is in love with things that make most people squeamish. The Pinkzilla's interest in snakes and bats at the moment are no exception. So, to make up for the crabiness in the last few entries, I will now give you a poem that my Minizilla wrote:

Corn Snakes
Allmost all snakes
are venemes
but corn snakes
are not. I
never fond
them in
but there
in Kansas
cool. there
not venemes.

I could not damage the integrity of the poem by editing it, so enjoy it in all its creative glory.

All things related to bats are currently in picture form. I have no dig camera or scanner, so they won't be here, but the items will show up at some point.

Goddess bless you all! (I just sneezed)


el.dude said...

Maybe you can get the bat pictures scanned and put on a new round of goddess t-shirts!

Megan Stuke said...

what, pray tell (or is it prey tell) is a corn snake?

That zilla is somethin' ain't he?

Enarda said...

A corn snake is a lttle snake that lives here in the prairie areas that feeds on small rodents. You can go to the pet store to check some out if you want. They don't get too big, but I have WAY TOO MANY pets as it is. Plus experiencing the sounds of squeaking furry things being fed to stinking slithery things will have to come at a later time.

Yes I'm proud of both my Minizilla and Pinkie!