Thursday, December 07, 2006


"Inconclusive" is what doctor # 7 said about the bubble on my neck. I was worried both doctors # 6 and # 7 were going to have to operate on me at the same time. However, he's going to check me out in a month. That seems like an eternity to me that I know will go in a flash. I'm beginning to hate doctors. I already hate hospitals.

On the lighter side of things...I love my hair. Thank you, Bertha, for the wonderful color! You deserve an Oprah moment on the subject of female social hubs, connections, support, and friendship.

Santa Claus! I'm trying to get a very kid friendly party together complete with a St. Nick. I think it will be at LuLu's, that infamous home of The King and absolutely perfect place for any gathering of women with their kids. Anyhoo...It will be on Friday the 22nd. We haven't discussed time. There will be little gifty baggy things for the youngsters, and some spirits for the Goddesses and any Humble Servants that might want to attend. POTLUCK! Bring yummies. I adore any holiday cookie things with jam, but you can make what you will. I do have one stipulation though. No Gizzards! You know who I'm talking to, Rosie.

I sent an email out, but I don't have some folk's email, so here you are. The invite's out on the wide world of net. Since there's items to be distributed, please email either myself or Lu with your RSVP. And a Jolly Chrishanakwanztivus to everyone of us!


Megan Stuke said...

Bubble on your neck? Whaaa????

I did not get an email. Sad. But I will love to come to a fete on the 22nd even though I don't have kids. I will bring a dolly or something to pretend with.

I cannot promise I will have a home made goody, because I will be coming straight from work.


Enarda said...

My thyroid is acting up. A problem I've had for years and that I thought was taken care, but now...inconclusive. grrr.

Come to the party! I didn't want non-moms to get annoyed by chillins, but if you're up to it...You'll get your dose of natural birth control by just showing up!

homemade, store-bought, who cares?

Rosie said...

I have a santa suit that I can wear or loan to a volunteer santa. No beard, though.
I can also pack a gifty bag of all kinds of delicious organs! Just say the word!!!!!